Hi! I’m Brittney!

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with a bachelor's degree in social work and a master's in counseling. Currently, I am a practicing school counselor. Through my 10+ years working in children’s mental health, I have worked with a lot of struggling teens. While I truly believe that counseling is the best profession in the world, I know that the scope of support I can offer in my office is limited. The more I work with teens and their families, the more I come to understand that there is no substitute for loving, intentional parenting when it comes to supporting good mental health in our kids. However, parents are often underprepared to navigate the challenges that come when their teen struggles with their mental health. My mission is to change that. I provide effective resources and support for parents, empowering them to improve their teens' mental health and genuinely enjoy the parenting journey.

You don’t have to be a mental health professional to be a valuable resource for your teen. All you need are a few essential skills and a lot of support. Join me as I share my education and training with you, so you can become your teen’s most important mental health advocate.


My Crew

When I’m not working with other people’s teens, I’m hanging out with mine. This is my crew. They are a loud and energetic bunch, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As a mom of five, I know the struggles that come as you transition from parenting young children to parenting teens. It is a completely different beast. As I have navigated a variety of struggles with my own teens, I have come to realize that I am their greatest resource, not because I am a counselor, but because I am their mom.

Friends, teachers, and coaches all come and go, but my husband and I are the constant in their lives. So working to build a strong, lasting relationship with them is our #1 priority. Through my online courses and coaching services, I can help you learn how to make it your #1 priority too.

Our Favorite thing to do…

We love to see new places with our kids. Every summer we pack up our little van and head out on an adventure. We call them adventures instead of vacations because, let’s face it, traveling with 5 kids is anything but a vacation. It’s basically just parenting in a different state with less sleep and a lot less space. But, oh, the memories we have made.

  • A household full of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly makes all other forms of success and achievement, lose thier importance by comparrison

    Theodore Roosevelt